Facebook style blogger template

Today we are releasing our first blogger template. We name this blogger template as Facebook Style. Design and color combination of this blogger template is very much similar to facebook’s design. This facebook style blogger template has very attractive design and is full of various customizations and features.
 facebook style blogger template

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Features of facebook style blogger template -

Floating Header – It contains floating header with inbuilt navigation menu and search bar. The design of this header is very compact and attractive.
Automatic Post Summaries – Auto Read more button is added to every post so there is no need to add jump breaks in posts manually.
Custom Fonts – Custom fonts for posts, titles and headings are added.
Custom popular posts – Default popular posts widget is customized into new look.
Custom labels – Labels widget is customized.
Floating Share buttons – Floating share buttons are added in the post page.

How to install & customize this blogger template ?

Download this template from the given link and install it on your blogger blog from your blogger dashboard. After installing this template you need to customize the menu in the template.

Customizing the navigation menu – In your blogger dashboard select Template option and click on Edit HTML option. Now in the template code find following code.

<div class='fbook-menu'>
<li><a href='#' id='wc-fbmenuhome'>Quickearnbd</a></li>
<li> <a href='#'>Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 4</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 5</a></li>

In the above code Change Quickearnbd with your blog’s name and Replace all symbols with your own links.

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